About Me

My name is Michelle Moore-Robinson. I bring you greetings from the Republic of Korea. I proudly work for the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) Pacific West District on Camp Humphreys Army Base. I was born, educated, and started my career in education in Gaston County Schools in North Carolina. My thirst for learning and leading learning spans thirty years. I have engaged with technology since the 1990s. I continue to be intrigued by technology and its evolution over the past three decades. So much so that I became a certified educational technologist in the early 2000s. I did not get far with this career path as I became a secondary and elementary school administrator. Of all my experiences with technology, graphic design has been my favorite. I often call it my stress reliever. I love conveying information visually, including infographics, flyers, posters, and image editing. Technology allows me to lean in and meet the leaders where they are. This is part of why I call this blog, Leaning Into Leaders. 

My current position as a Professional Practice and Improvement Specialist allows me to design and develop professional learning for the Pacific Region’s school, district, and regional leaders. I enjoy software and applications such as Microsoft 365, Snag-it, and Canva. I became heavily dependent on the Google Suite during the COVID-19 pandemic. I enjoyed learning and modeling the use of Google apps such as Classroom, Meets, Slides, Forms, Docs, Jamboard, and PearDeck within learning engagements. Learning Microsoft Teams and all it has to offer is a professional focus. In my current role, I get to utilize the best of both worlds, graphic design and educational technology tools. I look forward to exploring, learning, and applying more technology throughout this course. 



Pacific West District Superintendent’s Office
Camp Humphreys Army Base, Republic of Korea